
Wazuma V8's a high-class work

You are interested in Wazuma V8. Please check the site JamesList.com, who knew there was no one to buy.

Did you ever imagine having a quad bike worth 170 thousand pounds sterling, or about 2.4 billion? Maybe you do not believe it but if you look at the motor on this one, it seemed worth the exorbitant price.

Home modifications Lazareth Wazuma V8 producing a three-wheeled quad bike - actually four but the two rear wheels together.

What is greatness? Wazuma using Ferrari's engine and six-speed gearbox, and steering-owned BMX M3. This engine produces 250 bhp power at speeds up to 150 mph

"All the engine management can be modified and monitored by computer," wrote the site of luxury goods seller JamesList dailymail.co.uk quoted.

Completing Wazuma who weighs 650 pounds, the Lazareth put up with Brembo brakes and alloy wheels measuring 18 inches and thin tires.

JamesList spokesman said "Wazuma offers the sensation of driving by using a unique vehicle design. Simple, but aggressive, and high performance. It's a high-class work."