
Dieter Zetsche revives the glory of premium car market

Frankfurt,  - Dieter Zetsche revives the glory of premium car market which it's targetable and acheivable. Zetsche argued, behind Mercedes-Benz of rivals as a compact model, and sales in China. Economic recession in Europe, leading German premium brand must turn our attention to the market to the United States and China.

BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz targets new sales record this year. BMW hopes to strengthen its dominance in the premium class next year with target of selling 1.54 million units or greater than the Audi which is predicted to reach 1.44 million units.

 Daimler AG Dieter Zetsche boss eager to restore the glory of Mercedes-Benz in the premium car market in seven years by beating Audi targets. "I believe we can beat all rivals in 2020 at the latest," said Zetsche told German newspaper Boersen-Zeitung quoted by Autonews.

The man with a white mustache is hoping to reach the target in his leadership. His contract ends in December next year, possibly followed three years in February 2013.