
Taking innovative Nissan Leaf otonomos cars for test drive

Yokohama , - The day come for good moment. Taking innovative Nissan Leaf otonomos cars for test drive

Before Carlos Ghosn of Nissan Leaf a try yourself can drive Mesee themselves in Makuhari , Chiba , Japan , yesterday , last week , Nissan offered an opportunity for Japanese journalists to prove the technology directly . According to Tetsuya Komatsu of responsejp.com- - the test used two different cars otonomos to use , one for the city , one more for the road toll .

One of them , according to Nissan , otonomos in the city have registered and got a license plate with the number 2020 . " It's unusual for a car license plate is incredible," said President and CEO , Nissan's Carlos Ghosn . " A month ago we announced a target otonomos 2020 , now test it , " added Carlos .

Difference in the two cars in general is the number of sensors used . For highway version , using a camera and laser sensor 3 , while in the city , 5 cameras and laser sensors 5 . Moreover, the millimeter-wave radar mounted on the front of the car .

Each car is equipped with GPS sensors and actuators working as an extra on every car seta camera that can confirm or analyze images of cars around plus laser sensor to scan ( scan ) the atmosphere around the car .

According to the Chairman of the Experts Nissan to develop electric cars , also the IT & ITS development division , Toru Futami , Nissan Leaf otonomos technology developed to obtain safety and comfort for the driver , as it is already used on the trains , ships and airplanes .

This technology secures the steering wheel to control the direction of the car . Legal issues , this concept must be true , making this car can help people work , safer and more enjoyable driving . For example , the driver did not bother or helter - skelter turn the steering wheel when parked in tight spaces . In fact , when faced with congested traffic conditions creep , yeah ... stay otonomos alone !

Driver ? It could be sleep , contacting relatives , play on- line for burnout and stress disappear karerna jammed " unending " or without hope . It could even help parents who plesiran with the car , while the children do not have the time to accompany .

Further, the technology must be developed with inftrastruktur ITS and GPS . For example , Google's driverless car is equipped with a scanner ( scanner ) 3rd generation laser . This tool simultaneously control the car as well as determine the required location map ( taken from GPS ) , changing the atmosphere surrounding the car into 3D images ( using radar area ) .

While the Leaf using 5 laser radar to monitor the ambient conditions , the same technology used by Google . Difference , 5 camera used to analyze the data visually so that it can more accurately control the car .

This is done , because there is the possibility of a car as it was designed Google no longer able to function to control yourself, specifically if it can not adapt to local information . While the Leaf is designed , can control yourself and take over the work while according to the surrounding conditions . For example , a change in the condition of roads and buildings that collapsed in the earthquake .

In addition , the ability to control can also be done in a different way . With this , it could reduce the cost and can be marketed quickly . Currently, the technology is still expensive otonomos . For example , for a scanner mounted on the roof of a car Google , achieve cost several million yen .

In contrast , with 5 cameras and laser scanners , such as those used in the Leaf , according to Nissan , the cost is not too expensive . During the test , to ascertain and analyze the data , including images , used computers ( 5 servers ) are placed in the trunk !