This car is Very expensive and very qualified. That why This Mercedes - Benz G63 price is U.S. $ 1 million and probably little more.
Security is the desire of many people . For important people , security is an absolute thing , including for business vehicles . And this could be one of their options . Bulletproof car was released at a Mercedes - Benz G63 price of U.S. $ 1 million.
This car is actually a Mercedes - Benz G63 AMG 6x6 is re-formulated by Texas Armoring .
In their hands , this car has a security level B6 + is able to withstand AK - 47 or M - 16 . Grenade attack could also detained by the burly body of this car .
Even the owner could ask for paired secret weapon on the outside of the car to shoot the attacker outside .
But to have the car , the prospective owner must spend in deeply because this car, Mercedes - Benz G63 price is at U.S. $ 1,335,000 .
Texas Armoring said that they have started to open pre -order this car with a deposit of 75 % or approximately U.S. $ 1 million . Later , the buyer who has to give a deposit will receive their orders at the end of the car next year .