
Chevrolet's the first corporate sponsor for the One World Futbol Project

Chevrolet is the first corporate sponsor for the One World Futbol Project, which has contributed positively to more than 525 000 people in 137 countries.

"In line with the continued development of the Chevrolet as a global brand, now is the perfect time to make commitments and strengthening our presence in the world of international football," said General Motors Global Chief Marketing Officer Joel Ewanick.

"Our ambition is to be connected with the football much more than just a regular sponsor." he said.

After announcing its partnership with Manchester United plans to hold China Chevrolet Cup as part of a tour of Manchester United in July 2012, Chevrolet also announced its partnership with One World Futbol Project.

One World Futbol Project is a focused organization to support the ongoing game of soccer for youth in the area left behind by providing quality football revolutionary and durable.

One World Futbol Project has been helping schools, orphanages, and non-profit organizations in using sports to resolve conflict, teach tolerance, and build community.

They are also affiliate members who connect streetfootballnetwork 94 non-profit organization based soccer for social change spread across 61 countries.

Support includes the donation of 1.5 million Chevrolet ball of the foot One World Futbols over the next three years to organizations working for youth in former war zones, refugee camps, disaster areas and other communities left behind.

Unlike other soccer balls sold in the market that can be deflated, One World Futbol soccer balls do not need a pump and never flat despite repeatedly pressed.

A One World Futbol soccer ball can last longer than regular soccer ball, while maintaining the power game in the most difficult field.