
Segway MotoCzysz released the motor E1pc with stunning design

In Zero TT motorcycle races held in the Isle of Man, Michael Czysz introduced a pair of motorcycles that have dipesiapkan over the past year.

To conquer the legendary race one lap race which is about 60.72 km, previously, Segway MotoCzysz give attention to the elements of the drivetrain and suspension that makes the motor has an output of 200 hp and the ability to manage the condition of the legendary street circuit.

But for the year 2012, attention has focused on improving the aerodynamics. Czysz explained that to change the speed of 160 km / h to 200 km / h should be double the battery. In order to remain competitive in the arena mounts barriers must be reduced.

One of them by changing the design of the tail to help reduce the low pressure area in the back of a motorcycle which he said was inspired by the form of Kim and Khloe Kardashian butt is very famous.

 MotoCzysz TEAM Segway is an electric powered motor racing team that recently released the motor E1pc with stunning design. Miraculously, the zero emission motorcycle is claimed to have inspired the design of Kim and Khloe Kardashian butt.