
Infiniti JX35 on the emergency brake application

LOS ANGELES - Spokesman Nissan has Announced That it was Investigating the matter. Nissan ready to withdraw the variance, to do repairs.

The National Institute for Highway Safety (NHTSA) United States, opened on checking the variant of  Infiniti JX35, after the discovery of the problem on the emergency brake application.

Announced as NHTSA, the main problem in the Infiniti JX35 is due to the sensor can be either read on the situation on the highway. This can the make an active emergency brake and the vehicle can be stopped abruptly.

NHTSA Itself is being Examined in detail this issue, and have not found the root cause of the emergency brake can be active. If problems are found, then most Likely Infinito JX35 8.000 units will be Withdrawn.

Nissan Infiniti well as parent and NHTSA, has received complaints from consumers Several. But, until now there has been no reports of accidents Caused by brake problems, and no fatalities.