
What's top car brands sold via online?

What's top car brands sold via online? Ford Mustang is a car selling on eBay in 2012, followed by the Chevrolet Corvette and the Chevrolet Camaro. The position of the four occupying Ford F-250 followed by the Ford F-150.

A total of more than three-quarters of a car sale on eBay last year occurred in California, Florida and Texas. New York was fourth, with Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Michigan and Georgia as the top 10 states for car deals.

As for the car collector, total sales this year of $ 184 million for 2186 cars sold.

Page selling eBay Motors announces U.S. $ 3.7 billion worth of sales in the third quarter of this year.

Of the total number, eBay said the $ 2 billion of which came from the sale of a vehicle and the remaining $ 1.7 billion came from spare parts and accessories - such as inautonews quoted on Thursday (3/1).

eBay also revealed the top brands and models that have been displayed on the auction site and on-site sales.

Not surprisingly, the triumvirate of companies headquartered in Detroit, the United States occupied the top three for most brand nge-top.