
the advantages and disadvantages of Hybrid engine

SANTA MONICA-Answer of the advantages and disadvantages of the two models of this machine is on Hybrida machine model. This model can take advantage of the myriad benefits that owned both. Hybrid engine will have an important role in the development of automotive history, as many as 40 to 50 percent of new car sales in 2040 will be dominated hybrid models.

"The potential for gasoline engines and its flexibility makes this model can not be compared with other energy sources. Gasoline was cheap and more compact in terms of volume, similar to nuclear material. Quite possible if the material will run out of gasoline in the face of the earth, then we will create it," said Engineering Edmunds.com editors, Jay Kavanagh.

prestige model with an internal combustion engine or internal combustion engines (ICE) as the gasoline engine will not be reduced in the near term. In fact, gasoline would still be a major force in the development of the automotive market in the decades to come.

Gasoline is still a need in the automotive world premiere, and the presence of gasoline-powered engine is actually not something alarming in the automotive industry.

Cars with electric engines will not predicted to affect the sales of the petrol engines in the years to come. Until now, only the electric engine to achieve sales of less than 0.09 percent of all new car market in the world. A study has also revealed that the data in 2040 all electric vehicle is only able to grab marketshare of less than one percent in sales.

Here are some points provided by Edmunds.com to show the advantages of the internal combustion engine (ICE).

ICE has a wider range. Reported when testing was conducted using the Tesla Model S electric car, need to charge the battery twice to reach 563 km. While an ordinary sedan, ICE, which has the same price can do so only by using a single fuel tank filled.

The biggest problem with electric cars is the time it takes to recharge. Tesla Model S fastest takes about half an hour to recharge the battery to 50 percent, whereas in a regular car just a few minutes until the fuel tank is filled.

ICE has growing potential. Although gasoline has been around since the first, but using them as efficiently as possible is a new thing. With some of the latest technology and automotive pabrilkan according to the Environmental Protection Agency, super efficient technology will grow 16 percent more efficient than now.

The environmental impact of electric cars is not yet clear. Electric cars are only as clean as the power generated to drive the propulsion of the vehicle. However, the effects of greenhouse gas emissions from the use of electric cars give 40 percent more severe impact than conventional cars.

More fundamentally is a matter of making the vehicle itself, the conventional engine cars will last longer, because electric cars use rare materials found on earth.