
high tech riding gloves motorcycle

Maryland, -The world become more modern and it means there is high tech riding gloves motorcycle you should own.

Blue Infusion Technologies, IT-based company headquartered in Maryland, United States created BEARTek gloves (Bluetooth Enabled Audio Regulation Technology) equipped with a Bluetooth module for motorcyclists. So, the biker can operate the phone just by bringing up to six points in the index finger, middle, and sweet for different commands. Ranging from answering the phone, change songs, and other commands suits, without disturbing journey.

Mobile sufficiently incorporated into jackets, bags, or anything that was brought, and "turn on" the bluetooth. After that, a small box-shaped module is connected (paired) to set the phone to any key-operated on six points at the finger. Module is inserted, and go! To listen to music, connect to the earphones stay. This module only works on the iPhone operating system iOS.

"As a motorcyclist, will always find it difficult to operate a cell phone or want to hear the music without alienating the hands from the handlebars. With this technology, a biker feel safer and more practical," said Willie Blount, inventor and CEO of Blue Infusion Technologies.

Gloves are made of high-fiber nylon. Lapiran fingers protected by soft rubber in order to move swiftly. While the finger bone is protected by a layer of carbon fiber. This technology has been patented and will be marketed through their web starting September. BEARTek though without the technology, still pretty worn gloves.

this high tech riding gloves motorcycle looks simple in this below picture, However it is very helpful and functional.

You can observe more this products by watching the video below.