
How soft suspension like chicken, Magic Body Control Suspension System on upper-class sedan S-Class

This is what you need how soft suspension like chicken, Magic Body Control Suspension System on upper-class sedan S-Class

There's been one thing done major European automobile manufacturer, Mercedes-Benz. In order to attract consumers, Mercy uses chickens to inform animal products offered.

Mercy uses technology to inform chicken Magic Body Control Suspension System on upper-class sedan S-Class.

Chicken with animals, Mercy describes how empuknya suspension that pinned the new material.

On this occasion Mercy tries to give a tagline 'Stable Every Time', where the body of the car does not vibrate even car tires passing through the rocks, mound up potholes.

The new suspension system assisted camera located at the top of the windshield and can read distance of 15-45 meters in front of the car.

Interestingly cameras that will read any road conditions ahead and will need to calculate how the suspension dampers play against rocks, potholes or other types of inhibitors. This system allows the suspension to know exactly what the problems are only a fraction of a second in front of him.

Reported caradvice, Friday (27/09/2013), Magic Body Control is already available in the latest generation Mercedes-Benz S-Class, which was launched last July.

Well want to know how Mercedes-Benz would analogize the best suspension they gave birth, let us consider the following.

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