
One of top sports cars can run up to over 600 miles per hour

Utah - Do you know One of top sports cars can run up to over 600 miles per hour?

Otolovers Definitely would not believe the Triumph motorcycle engine on this one, just imagine this Triumph motorcycle can run up to over 600 miles per hour.

This bike is not a regular motor, but the motor is prepared to break the land speed record at the Bonneville salt desert.

As reported inautonews Wednesday (04/09/2013), from the streamlined body is stored behind the engine capacity of 3,000 cc. The engine was not a regular machine, but the twin-turbocharged engine, Triumph Rocket 3, which burn methanol.

To achieve his intention to break the record, this vehicle will be ridden by Jason DiSalvo, from Castrol.

Triumph rocket style is designed Mark Markstaller that prioritizes aerodynamics by having a width of about 2 feet, 3 feet tall and 25 feet long reach.