
Ford parking assist come to test

MICHIGAN - Ford won't be left of the new technology. Ford parking assist come to test.

Ford has demonstrated their ability of latest technology for parking assist which allows a car literally parked his own .

Fox News reported , this parking assist system is named Fully Assisted Parking Aid , the car is able to look for a parking space through sensors , then let the driver out of the car , when the system is activated by remote control , the car will be back again for parking .

This system was developed in Europe , but the actual core of the problem exist in every major city . Day to day car has larger dimensions but not followed by extensive road also increased .

The idea is to ease the burden of finding a parking place , the more useful because the doors will be locked automatically after completion .

When you want to go , as easy as pressing the button on the key , and finally the car out of the parking lot and back again to your position out of the car .

Ford also has been buried the previous parking system in many models , however long it takes a driver to be in it to operate the transmission and brakes . Ford says the system is more severe and will be available in production cars within the next few years .