
The illuminating road marker, excellent innovative things on solving traffic problem

Amsterdam , -Have you thought of this solution for automotive problems?  The illuminating  road marker, excellent innovative things on solving  traffic problem and it's done and real.

New technologies to improve safety and save energy start reaching infrastructure . In the Netherlands , created markers that will light at night ( glow in the dark ) . The road marker containing phosphorescent powder and has been tested on roads Oss , in Southeast Capital for several months .

However, during the trial it was found that immunity is not long enough . Reported the BBC ( 05.08.2014 ) , the level of luminescence light began to fade due to air moisture . It makes Heijmans , a local contractor in the state had to reorder to make it more weather resistant .

The company also suggested , line markers is updated by adding phosphorescent powder , also add a solar light panel . That way , not only lighter , but also more durable and humidity season faced successive atmosphere.

" This move is going to make the work more complex and raise costs . But it will be changes in the structure of the solution , "read an official statement from Heijmans .

In addition to water and rain resistant , the new material is expected to hold " tread " tires with high intensity , also mains visible day or night . Line of glow in the dark new will be introduced this summer , with more applications in various Dutch roads .