
priority of costumized premium car of porsche

Costumized premium car's kept by Porsche in total emotion and energy to keep surviving in automotive world.

Facing tough competition in the premium segment car, Porsche has a strategy to survive in the competition. One way is to deliver products that are imported custom.

"What we offer is a dream car that is imported is not in the form of the base line, but in the form costumize base on request," .

According to Salman with this strategy, believed to increase the value of Porsche products in the eyes of consumers.

Furthermore,  the presence of world-standard products can not survive without good after-sales service. Therefore Porsche continues to develop after-sales service, such as the provision of services 24 Hours Road Assistance.

"Others, consumer data which served observed in the Porsche center in Germany. So the various constraints experienced by consumers monitored globally. It is able to add to the confidence of consumers to want to buy our products," .

The use of technology have contributed to the attention of the Porsche to facilitate consumers get service. One was with the release of a mobile application called Porsche Application which can be downloaded on Android and iOS devices.

"Through the app, consumers can access a lot of things ranging from booking service, product info, and contact person Porsche from sales to service advisors," .

priority of porsche for costumized premium car will make it competitive due to the condition is really complicated.