
Google's car can walk as far as 482 thousand km

In the record, the Google's car is  not entirely clear from the incident. For the last summer of a Toyota Prius that has been fitted with this technology hit another car even though no one was injured.

Era car that can run itself without will likely be driven by the future in the world automotive industry. Google also claims that a Google's car that already apply the technology that is able to walk independently owned they were able to walk as far as 482 thousand km.

Reported by Left Lane News, Google explained that the vehicles they already pasangi technology that Google's car can make it run automatically without the driver had managed to walk as far as 300,000 miles or about 482 803 km without a single accident. Yet that distance is just pure under computer control.

With these achievements, Google was now going into the next stage to apply this technology is by using it for everyday purposes.

A team of researchers from Google will use an automatic car that can travel for daily needs to know how effective this technology for everyday use.

With daily use of these cars will find a common challenge faced by drivers such as road repair work that must be met to make jams and other road users.