
tips about motorcycle brake fluid drain

Motorcycle brake oil as well as oil or other motorcycle parts , also need to be checked condition . Early use of the brake fluid is quite long , which is 1 to 2 years before it must be replaced . however , due to a long period of usage is most people tend to forget and lazy to check .

chemicals that make up the brake fluid is a substance which can change due to environmental influences as well as temperature . At a certain temperature , the liquid evaporates and can also inhibit the brake pump which can be fatal . Therefore , change your brake fluid if the motor is turning color and viscosity .

 color of the brake fluid could change
to replace the brake fluid , brake master first unscrew the first. and enter the brake fluid into the tube slowly . previously , first protect the surrounding parts of the tube with a clean cloth or rag . because brake fluid can damage the material body of your motorcycle .

when done , plug the hose on the nipple brake calipers . pump brake handle repeatedly until it feels hard . It aims to remove the air trapped in the tube .

hold the brake handle as well as nipple calipers slowly loosen up the brake fluid and air bubbles out . once completed tighten the screw nipel.

exhaust air in the brake hose to the pump handle
press the hose several times to remove the remaining air . set distance around the brake and then close again before checking the brake master bolt on the master brake violence and calipers .
immediately clear if there is fluid in the brake fluid dripping motorcycles body with clean or flush with clean water .