
Alerts for empty fuel tanks of your cars or motorcycles

Alerts for you the owner of vehicles, cars or motorcycles ! Alerts for empty fuel tanks of your cars or motorcycles. You should be careful when your fuel tanks of your vehicle empty. There are problems you will face. 

For those of you who often lazy refuel the car , you should start to be careful . This is a threat to the vehicle if the fuel tanks are often empty .

Maybe you are too busy to simply refuel the vehicle . If not completely discharged then the vehicle is still in continuous use . In fact , refuel before the tank is empty is not only beneficial for the security in the face of road traffic, but also can reduce the risk of rusting tank .

basically every fuel has a volatile nature . Too much of the air in the tank to speed up the evaporation process.

Water vapor contained in the tank will eventually turn into a point of water and sediment in the tank of the vehicle. As a result , the metal will quickly rust the tank material .

"If the tank is empty , it means that the amount of air in the tank is also growing. Means that posed a potential rust also greater , " .

If such a condition is left unchecked , it is not likely to spread to other problems in the vehicle . Primarily , related to the fuel filter and fuel pump  which have to work harder as a result of the number of impurities contained in the tank .

"If a lot of dirt in the tank , the gas pump could be clogged , so the work was too heavy and can cause heartburn . Consequently , Rotak can die alone , " said Agus .

So is the fuel filter could be dirty quickly because of the impurities to be filtered . " So to be diligent in cleaning the filter and replaced periodically if it passes mileage of 10,000 miles or 2 times the equivalent engine oil change " .

In addition , drain the tank car regularly to remove dirt buildup. At a minimum , when the vehicle had 50,000 miles melapaui distance or 2 years of use .

" In spite of a tank with a plastic design , it is not possible debris buildup harmful impact to the vehicle , " he said .

Finally, it's worth the refueling is done long before the tank is completely empty . At the very least , when the fuel quantity indicator had crossed the center line directly recharge the fuel .

" The more fuel in the tank car , means the less air in the tank . By doing so , the potential for a bit of rust can be minimized , " .